Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Frogs everywhere!

Or at least tadpoles! Two years ago we put an above ground pool in. We closed it for the winter, opened it the next spring and it was full of tadpoles! Yuck! We live in a neighborhood, not in the country. However, we have frogs everywhere. I thought they lived near ponds??? Guess that shows how much I know. You go to sleep at night hearing them. I can't believe how loud they are. Of course my kids love it! They see a couple of frogs a day. Even my three year old little girl thinks they're great.

I have nothing against frogs necessarily, but I really don't want to grow them in my pool! So, last year when we closed the pool we were really careful to unhook anything that was attached to the pool and move everything away from it. Well, did you know that frogs have sticky little hands and can CLIMB! Yeah, another little frog fact I didn't know. So, we open our pool and, once again, full of tadpoles. My boys are fishing them out and putting them in a bucket. My daughter then plays with them. She sticks her hand in the bucket and catches them. It's just so gross! I mean, she's supposed to be a princess!

Well, in honor of our breeding pond, I made this dress. Hopefully my daughter will wear it and get her fill of frogs, because our pool is getting shocked tonight and all those little tadpoles will be going bye, bye. On a side note, we're going to release all the ones my boys caught into a local pond. We'll save as many as we can :)